Thursday, April 2, 2009

Car or House?

im sorry , but everyone has a house, but not everyone has a ferrari or an R8
or bugatti :P u get the idea!
just take away 2 bedrooms in ur house :P nways, its just a dream


Snowz~ said...

Nice dream! but still get a house ping! You live in a house not a car!

Anonymous said...

there r ppl in the world who don't get either house or car. u shld save ur money to pay and build houses for them.

FrizzA said...

oh snap, dont need such extravagance, do what anonymous says at least once in ur life and alls good :D

Steeejei said...

Invest in:

People - 1 Thess 1:1-7

Heaven - Matt 19:21

Only one life and soon it will pass. Only things done for Christ will last :)

Anonymous said...

everything's been said, what will you do about it ?

mao said...

unfortunately i do not have enough for either a house or an R8

in fact.. i think i will get there wen im 40 :)

so i will decide then!

Josh said...

stop wasting money!