Tuesday, April 28, 2009


something happend on sunday was wat id say : easily the funniest moment of the year. and perhaps the most satisfying moment of the chairmans life....

im talking about IVAN FUNG RUNNING like USAIN BOLT ... from mansfield to about BURBANK? he never loooked back

WHILEST been chased by a bunch of randoms with water bombs... :)

its almost as if it was planned !

who'd have 120 water bombs in an esky ? on a field ?

jeremy chung said: ive never seen ivan ran that fast! he outran me! i dunno where he is now.. prob burbank

ping mao: i dunno why they did it, it wasnt my idea.

5 ppl not to be named: its ivan lets get him!

ARRRGH... now we just have to worry about revenge and consequences..


Anonymous said...

hey ! there's no 'we' in revenge ... it's all YOU man :P Ivan specifically said he'd get you !

ivatch said...

Ping Mao, I will get you on your wedding day. Just as you are about to kiss your wife.

mao said...

i didnt even chase him!
and whos annynymouse!

bleh said...

whos annynyMOUSE?!??!? buhahha...

Snowz~ said...

sure ping! Not ur idea... all urs i reckn

Anonymous said...

HAHAH .. funny picture in my head of massive water fight at ping's wedding
sounds good
i owe you man... for hurting my future generations

sare said...

Dammit I missed out...>.< haha

Josh said...

wow pings gonna kiss a girl :O